Upgrade's Mini P Solid Pinion, No One Way ! / Review !

Discussion in 'Msh Heli - Upgrades Support' started by The Dude, Oct 18, 2014.

By The Dude on Oct 18, 2014 at 11:05 PM
  1. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Lynx Heli Innovations is always looking for a better way of doing things.

    Lynx redesign the standard Mini Protos motor pinion, and have on offer an alternative pinion made from solid hardened carbon steel.

    After a lot of people where having issue with one way bearing falling Lynx's decided on a better solution, do away with the one way! Suppress the one way function, in order to offer a pinion, without any compromise or load and wear resistance.

    - 100% compatible with standard Mini Protos parts.
    - Super Precise CNC pinion tooth cut for the smooth transmission
    - Solid Carbon Steel Material to assure the maximum torque and wear resistance.
    - Easy and quick installation.

    - Pinion Material: Carbon Steel – Hardened 40 HRC
    LX1284 - Mini Protos - 16-17-18 T Solid Pinion
    LX1283 - Mini Protos - 13-14-15 T Solid Pinion

    I fitted a 13 tooth to my scop motor (Stretched mini p)

    1: No more one way to worry about.
    2: More direct and smoother available power, Reduces bogging by around %20 on harder maneuvers.
    3: Easier on the motor,packs, speedy, as they don't have to work as hard under load.
    4: Power is more consistent, so many maneuvers like tick tocs, etc etc are more predictable. As it gives a feeling of cleaner and more constant delivery of power to the heli. (Smooths it out)

    1:/ Auto rotation is still doable, but not as good without a one way, this really was the only function of the one way, but if you keep a loose belt they are still doable.
    2:/ May wear belt a bit quicker, Maybe around %10

    This is a worth while upgrade that makes a difference, In a 450 size heli unless you are shooting autos all day, there is no need for a one way, You are better off with a more direct and constant delivery of power, the solid pinion easily achieves this while making the overall power train more efficient, Delivering smoother and more predictable power for low down smack! (More pop off the deck, with less bog!)


Discussion in 'Msh Heli - Upgrades Support' started by The Dude, Oct 18, 2014.

    1. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Well yes.... I like it, it seems to add more direct power. Easy upgrade....
    2. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Looking forward to getting one
    3. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Well after flying again today these are my findings.

      I was flying in approximately 25 - 30 knots of wind.

      The helicopter had significantly more power... I loosened off the belt a touch and WHAM... even more again. My helicopter handled the wind quite well.

      So I am still impressed with the solid pinon on its second day of flying...

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