Review Goblin 380 Mini Review

Discussion in 'SAB' started by The Dude, May 5, 2015.

By The Dude on May 5, 2015 at 2:34 PM
  1. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Finally, SAB Heli Division have released the new goblin 380 a smaller size machine, As we have come to understand with all SAB helis the name comes from the blade size, Hence Goblin 380 after the blade length of 380mm’s, It’s a bit bigger than a 450 size heli and smaller than a 500 size. Personally it's a perfect size for a littel smack monster, and a smack monster it surely is !

    The build is so quick with only 38 parts in total (plus bolts and bearings). So my 380 was built in just under 1 hour and 30 mins. Then there was only the electronics setup and she was ready to fly. All in all under 4 hours, easy ...

    My set up for this little beast:

    • Motor: Xnova Xts 3215-930kv Tareq Edition
    • ESC: Kontronik Koby 90 LV
    • Servo: MKS DS95's and MKS HV9780 Min Tail Servo
    • Flybarless system: CGY 750
    • Batteries: 1400 mah, 6S, 50c Optipower & 1800 mah, 6S, 50c @ZEN RC Packs
    • Main Blades Halo 385's
    • Tail Blades 70 mm Zeal carbon's
    • Head speed , Around 4,200RPM on idel up 2 and around 3,500RPm on Idel up 1

    So how's it fly ? This beast might be small but it flies like a 700. Yes it feels like it flys that BIG in the sky, Strange i know... This little monster is SO locked in and so stable, I have heard people say it's fly's heavy, ummm i would disagree it fly's nice and light ! Flip and roll rates are very tight and spot on, The cyclic feels very natural and crisp, She has plenty of POP at 13 deg's with the Xnova Xts 3215-930kv Tareq Edition.
    Funnels are so easy on this thing, once you lock it in the where you want it it just stays there. Handles the wind just was well as a 700 size heli, and she is also super smooth at low heads speeds, no funky wobbles or strange tendencies and at lower head speeds it still feels pretty light.

    This heli is so versatile across a range of flying styles, it's not just a smack machine it's also a very smooth sport flying setup if that's your thing.. Even when looking at packs you can run 1400 mah up to around 2600 mah, the 2600 Mah's will give you about 8 - 9 mins of flying time..

    Upgrades so far also include, carbon tail blades (standard they are in plastic), aluminum servo support (standard plastic), Plastics are just fine.... , 20 Tooth tail for the low head speed crowd, below 3,000 rpm, And main aluminum gear, again i don't think it's needed. there will be some upgrades from another company soon also :)

    These really are amazing helicopters.. SAB have really hit the nail on the head with this one, it ticks all the boxes, Durable, lightweight, easy to work on , low part count and flys better than anything else in it's size.

    If your reading this and you have not hit the buy button yet, WHAT'S wrong with you !! You need this heli.

    Fell free to converse, Let's here your thought's !
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2015
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Discussion in 'SAB' started by The Dude, May 5, 2015.

    1. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      4.2mm ball/M2 shaft..... If I read correctly.
    2. joeclone

      joeclone Active Member

      Feb 3, 2016
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      @Beaver to the rescue again, thanks for the info
    3. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      Thank Google. :D
    4. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Why you asking @joeclone , do you have a goblin 380?
    5. joeclone

      joeclone Active Member

      Feb 3, 2016
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      Just scoping out for maybe compatible ball linkages from other models coz these are notorius for getting lost in a crash, the head might survive but these would fly off to neverland most of the time. About owning one.....well not at the moment but hopefully in the near future.
      Last edited: Feb 5, 2016
    6. joeclone

      joeclone Active Member

      Feb 3, 2016
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      I'm sure they're plenty of non smacking 380s out there, so just wondering whats the preferred headspeed for some slow n smooth 3d flying?
    7. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      2800 works well for casual 32-3400 for sporty smak. This heli will run high hs for hundreds of flights with no problem...
    8. joeclone

      joeclone Active Member

      Feb 3, 2016
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      How does the tail cope in the lower 2k headspeed range with the std 21t pulley?
    9. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      If you use the right servo, the tail on the 380 is incredible. NEVER had an issue and i have put the heli in some horrible positions re tail holding low or high head speed. Normally I can get a tail to blow out while performing fast maneuvers. So far only on super extreme funnels with a howling 30knot wind have i been able to make the tail slip. Even then its a rarity. It has the best tail holding of any helicopter i have EVER owned by far. I have some vids on this forum of me flying the 380 so you can see what my flying style is.
    10. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      I think @smakmeharder has tortured his G380 about as much as anyone possibly can by what I've been following. I'd say the G380's performance and reliability have been well proven.
      How many flights have you logged now, @smakmeharder ?? And what have you had to do as far as maintenance up to now?
      Enquiring minds want to know! :p
    11. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Since my run of 500 flights, i have only had about 100 - 150 ish.. and 2 crashes :-(. So i cannot accurately determine failure. However both crashes were due to my stupidity - one caught in the long grass, and the other due to thinking i could roll flip spin in from anywhere without really concentrating. Work has been affecting my play. I need to re-organize my priorities but sadly only by winning lotto would that be possible ...
    12. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      A run of 500 speaks for itself. :cool:
    13. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      The maintenance required is very small. So it is a quality heli thats for sure. If it were only cheaper for the canopy and boom. On the up side because the design normally breaks servos, the only gear that has ever broken has been the main gear. So @ZEN RC are stocking just the main gear of BK servos for 5 bucks! that makes a big difference in repair cost. I think if you were flying it normally and did not crash it would last for years. Its a very good design with quality materials.
    14. joeclone

      joeclone Active Member

      Feb 3, 2016
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      Did you changed the stock plastic servo mounts with cnc bling? Plastics r supposed to save some servos?
    15. PJ1977

      PJ1977 Member

      Aug 8, 2016
      Likes Received:
      People you better be have yourselves lol.

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