2009 Walkera 400d Coaxial

Discussion in 'Walkera' started by Beaver, Nov 24, 2016.

By Beaver on Nov 24, 2016 at 6:08 PM
  1. Beaver

    Beaver Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2014
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    I happened upon a posting for this Walkera 400D Coaxial heli. From the pictures, it seemed rather well built for a cheap coaxial, but I noticed it had a swash plate at the lower rotor, suggesting full fixed-pitch cyclic control (further investigation verified this). Being the same size class as the old Syma I have, I have spare motors already.
    The thing only cost me $40, why not...... It was compete with Tx, 2 3S packs, and some spare parts and another whole frame.

    Flying the thing is a bit weird at first. I had to tweak the CG a bit to get it trimmed enough to control without jacking the radio trims too much. Once that was done, I was able to dial it in to a neutral hover.
    Full cyclic control at one rotor against another rotor with a 45* lead fly-bar is a weird thing to experience compared to a CP heli, or even a FP fly-bar heli. It's all well and good until you put too much cyclic into it and the fly-bar goes crazy. I'll have to play with the fly weights next to see if I can make it a bit more agile.
    It's just something of medium size to bash around indoors during the winter..... and chase household pets, and what-not. :D WP_20161124_001.jpg


Discussion in 'Walkera' started by Beaver, Nov 24, 2016.

    1. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Wow! Back to a coaxial! well inside it will be a challenge no doubt. I allways found difficulties dealing with the delay from stick movement to heli interaction. Yes no doubt the coaxial is in a class of its own. It should be quite a bit of fun i imagine.
    2. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      Not so much "back" to coaxial, I fly the Protos as much as I can. The 400D is just a side project. I had also planned on letting a friend try it out once I finish fine tuning it.
      LEDs will be a must for night flying now that the season has changed and the days are shorter. I'd rather do it to the 400D rather than mess-up my Protos with unnecessary add-ons.
    3. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Fair enough! how is the Protos going? Learning any new tricks?
    4. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      I've been hitting the SIM more frequently trying to get into it with tic-toc and rainbow type maneuvers. I've been a bit more conservative and/or conscientious when flying the Protos. I'm reasonably proficient at ripping around the park and throwing flips and rolls, inverted hovering around and whatnot. I've progressed enough to the point that no matter what Im flying, my reflexes seem to be in place and I haven't crashed anything in quite some time.
      So back to the 400D......
      Last nights session with reconfiguring the layout of the electronics and power system resulted in a more modular battery flexibility, or being able to use 3S 1600mAh or 2200mAh without adversely affecting CG.
      Upon further inspection, all blade grips swash plate and bearing plates are aluminum "Lynx" looking upgrades, with a whole other set of blade grips for other types of blades with thicker roots! The carbon fiber main frame is similar in construction to a T-rex clone variant. I know Coaxials aren't anything special, but this one seems to have a few redeeming qualities that make it nonetheless intriguing.

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