Assault 100-v2

Discussion in 'HobbyKing' started by Beaver, Dec 7, 2016.

By Beaver on Dec 7, 2016 at 4:28 PM
  1. Beaver

    Beaver Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2014
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    Yes, I found a deal on an Assault 100-v2, with brushless main and tail motors. It's supposed to be comparable to a Blade MCPx, but I haven't looked in depth enough to determine if it is a "clone", but I do know it is a re-branded HiSky HCP100S (who ever they are).
    It's complete with some spares: a pack or two- 2S/450mAh, blades, etc.
    Included is a JR module that will snap directly into the back of my TH-9X radio (after I install a switch to disable the internal DSM2 module I installed).
    So It doesn't seem a bad deal for $40+shipping. Transaction pending. Photo Dec 05, 6 58 07 PM.jpg
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2016


Discussion in 'HobbyKing' started by Beaver, Dec 7, 2016.

    1. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      I can vouch for the lynx MCPX blades. They make a big difference performance wise however they still break. Interestingly just looking at the PCB, it looks similar to the mcpx layout.
    2. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      The HCP100s/Assault100 is very similar to MCPx, but is not a direct clone of anything. It has a brushless tail, which the MCPx does not. It actually reminds me of a smaller version of a Blade 230 or something similar.
    3. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      By accident, I discovered that the little linear servos have a built-in breakaway point in that there is a little brass bushing pressed into the plastic "servo horn". I just saved myself two servos by turning the screws in such a way as to "press" the bushings back into the horns. This is especially helpful as the linear servos seem to be a weak point on this model.
      I did find that better quality main gear can be found in using MCPx/MSRx gears. The FlySky/HK ones seem to strip easier at the keyed-flat spot on the main shaft. Also, the head and other MCPx parts will interchange to this 100 heli. A trip to the LHS is in order. :D
    4. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      A trip to the LHS didn't reveal much, as they are in process of moving from one building, to an all new building, and don't have all of their inventory situated where it should be, which limits my ability to make sense of what inventory I knew before. Which befuddles my attempts to cross reference MCPx to 100s parts In real-time. The local hobby stores, the two of them that are left here, don't carry much in 100 size heli, unless it is an MCPx, V1 or V2. ..... and then I'm lucky if I can find parts for those.....let alone trying to find Odd-ball Chinese parts that they don't support. Either way, I have this odd-ball bird under control. Piss-off, @Crash Heligod :D
      Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
    5. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      The LHS here seems to have lost some inventory in transition between buildings. I managed to find a set of MCPx-V2 bullet main blades when I was looking for straight blades.
      At around 10mm longer than stock "hcp100/assault100" blades, and having a few mm more width, I was hesitant, but since I'm now running a solid tail-boom that is about 10mm longer, it works out okay. I'm still evaluating performance, but so far, I think I like the MCPx blades.
    6. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      Hold-up...... I went to the park to turn this one loose in open-air, tried to back-flip into inverted, and experienced something I can only describe as rotor stall or linkage binding when I pulled back on cyclic. Needless to say, I had to bail-out on that one. A few head links, and re-setting a servo should have this one back in order, but I'm beginning to wonder if this little shiz is gonna do what I want it to do.
    7. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      ..... this recent phenomenon with the 100s further confounds me, as I haven't had such a problem going inverted with any of my previous models, CX450, B450, Mini Protos, etc...... It seems there might be a design limitation somewhere in the swash or head linkages. .... Yet to be determined........ :p

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