Help 700l Tail Freaks Me Out :(

Discussion in 'Align' started by iggy, Oct 6, 2015.

By iggy on Oct 6, 2015 at 3:53 AM
  1. iggy

    iggy Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2014
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    Hi there

    I dont know what to do more.. Have that slight tail blowout on my 700 Align. Its about 3-5 degrees on full pitch pumps (but always coming back to zero position) and I have tryed several things to get it tight:

    - setup 12 degrees pitch on main blades like suggested by Align from the beginning

    - tail servo horn 90 degrees straight

    - flown in governor mode in different rpm with different governor and tail gyro gains

    - tryed tail torque precompensation of the beastx low and high. Same amount of blowout

    - Shortened the tail pushrod more and more to get more mechanic gain against the torque

    - flown it in rate mode with very much mechanical tail gain against the torque and still had a slight nose left piro. Then screwed the ball link one more turn in (you cant do half turn on align) and received a slight nose right piro. There is no middle and I have far more mechanical tail gain then in the manual. I couldnt screw the pushrod more toghether man.. Thats so wierd!

    - Switched off governor mode today - tryed some v curves: 80-75-70-75-80 / 95-90-85-90-95 same problem.

    - Tightened the throttle curves: 81-78-75-78-81 / 95-92-89-92-95 same blowout of about 3 degrees

    - Tryed again different tail gains on my tx

    I can fly the heli like this. Some setups are not bad at all. Tail holds good in tik toks (ailorn as well), but I dont know if it would hold a hard hurricane.. It should because it doesnt blowout much. AND IT ALWAYS COMES BACK TO THE ZERO POSITION. If I pitch slower it holds very good - but if I go hard zero to full pitch or full negative to full positive it blows out that bit.

    Its really frustrating because it irritates me sometime when flying. I want to have it dead nuts man to have that simulator feeling but I cant. And I want to fly that thing harder and learn new tricks but I cant because the machine is not perfect.

    It seems like the motor has not enough torque (490kv 850mx from Align). This motor IS MADE for better torque (less KV) ... Do I have a bad one? Its getting pretty hot too. But this seems normal to me. Flight times are normal. And there is no way to tighten the gears to much because you cant move the motor or the main gear on this model. Positions are fixed.

    Please help me guys. Maybe there is just something small I dont know about.

    Kind regards,

    iggy the sim-kid


Discussion in 'Align' started by iggy, Oct 6, 2015.

    1. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      Just a guess here..... Maybe go up a size tail blades to get a little more bite for tail rotor? Seems you've done everything else.....
    2. iggy

      iggy Well-Known Member

      Oct 14, 2014
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      That could be the solution. But doesnt that heli have to work perfect from the manufactury with the parts you get in a combo?
    3. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      I would think so. Is it all factory stock with no mods? Again, I'm guessing here. Give it a few more hours, see what the Aussies have to say when they wake up.
    4. iggy

      iggy Well-Known Member

      Oct 14, 2014
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      Yes all Stock. Everything runs smooth. Lets see. The one who tells me the solution will become a heli god automaticaly!
    5. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      Hmmm...... My money's on @The Dude
    6. The Dude

      The Dude Well-Known Member

      Mar 4, 2014
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      @iggy ... It will most likely be none of whats below , but want to cover all bases and give you some stuff to try, I reckon because your getting slight tail blowout on pitch pumps , that it's just the torque from the motor and bigger tail blades will / should fix that .. However the info below may help you this time around or in the future.

      Check list ..

      Check all bearings in tail / tail shaft area ... Make sure thrust bearings are ok and orientated in the grips correct as per the manual.

      Check bent tail shaft or vibes , take off tail hub and main blades... spool up heli , lightly rest your thumb on the tail slider while the heli is running, move tail left to right and feel for tiny vibes or kinda notchy / knocking feeling.. ie not smooth .. if all ok then throw everything back on.

      Disconnect tail rod and check all links from tail grips to pitch slider make sure there is no binding. The slider should moves SILKY smooth on the tail shaft !! needs to be NO resistance ...

      Make sure tail is centering ok, make sure end points are set and not hitting each side at full throws.

      Does one tail blade have a more softer bendy feel when you slightly flex it with your hand ? if so replace ..

      Above is the most common things.. Most of the time it's mechanical binding or high frequency vibes .. When you have you mains and tail off , if you touch your boom lightly down by the tail with heli running and you get a kinda tickling feeling in your fingers, then that's high frequency vibes... different to just normal vibes, very hard to explain .. if not then just place you tail hub back on without blades and repeat .. if still not then place your tail blades back on and repeat , IMPORTANT for safety watch your fingers and disconnect your tail rod, so the gyro cant engage your tail. Some gyro's dont like high frequency vibes, some deal with it ok ...

      You can also play with gain or maybe stop endpoints if some type of setting like that is in your gyro and also you can raise the head speed, if raising head speed fixes it then bigger tail blades are needed OR a speed up tail pulley..

      Check also your tail boom struts are tight ..

      If none of the above works, then consider replacing your tail servo, for one with more torque.. I think it will just be bigger tail blades and it will be ok ...

      Off the top of my head and after being awake for 26 hours, that's about all i can think of ... LOL

      Cheers ..
      Last edited: Oct 6, 2015
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    7. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      Okay. The Dude has spoken. He somewhat concurred about the tail blades. I was guessing so give @The Dude the Heligod status if that does actually solve the problem.;)
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    8. iggy

      iggy Well-Known Member

      Oct 14, 2014
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      Thanks man ans good sleep.

      Ill try 10 mm more - my heli is higher od the ground with 800 landing gear and fin, maybe something like this:


      If its up to the blades @The Dude should become AskMe heli god! :)
    9. Min

      Min Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      The trex runs a 4.33:1 ratio from memory which is very low compared to the synergy E7se which is 4.9:1 or banshee which is 5:1. I think this is causing the tail kick but I don't think there's much you can do to fix this.
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    10. Servo

      Servo Member

      Jul 4, 2014
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      I had a 700l but yet changed the Fbl unit from gpro to vbar... My guess it's the tuning of the fbl unit or tail blade or mechanical e.g tail slider bearings etc.

      Sent from my SM-G900I using Tapatalk
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    11. iggy

      iggy Well-Known Member

      Oct 14, 2014
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      I have this slight tail kick also with my 500 with BeastX and Gpro and I really tried everthing to fix this. Even running on 100% throttle doesnt change anything. So thats what @Min said.. The tail gear ratio. I thought about this many times.

      Thats frustrating. You look at Alan Szabo flying those Align helis "stock" so hard and precise but you dont get that performance when you buy one. Then there are people who say "You dont know to set it up correctly and then blaming Align" - but sorry - If have to be an engineer to make that work correctly and if it doesnt work when you do whats in the manual - then its just a bad product from bad constructors. Or do you guys have the same problems with your Goblins, Gaui's, Logos, Compass and JR's? Dont they just do what they should when you put it together according to the manual?

      Why is it so hard to change that gear ratio over so many years of experience they have? If the bigger tail blades dont work I will sell this helis and look for something better. Because if I had spent all this time Im setting and setting it up with smacking I would fly even better. Im not the tinker. I buy that stuff to fly it and not to set it up a whole life time.

      A Goblin 380 / 570 combo could come in soon........

      Thanks for your advices guys. Have a nice day.

    12. The Dude

      The Dude Well-Known Member

      Mar 4, 2014
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      You cant go wrong at all with the 570 and 380, Worth every cent ... Aligns are pretty good, but sometimes can be a bit hit and miss, Gobbys tend to be on song every time.. ..
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    13. The Dude

      The Dude Well-Known Member

      Mar 4, 2014
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      Did you get this sorted out @iggy ?
    14. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      ok I sorted a similar recently on my heli's recently.. look at uping the i gain on the tail, and if you can enable gov pre-comp as well as cyclic pre-comp.,.. some fbl have noth -ve and +ve values for precomp.. make sure the comp is correcting the right way...

      also unless your running pretty high HS and full positive to full negative and back again pitch pump will probably always produce a kick... in larger heli's
    15. iggy

      iggy Well-Known Member

      Oct 14, 2014
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      I will get some bigger blades by the end of month. Im not sure if I should go with 110mm or 115mm. Both will fit without catching the main blades. 105mm have been in the combo. And there is a tail upgrade which makes sense (on the other hand my tail is allready running smooth):


      @Manyc the tail torque precomp moves to the right direction 100%. I see what the tail slider does at full pitches +\- .

      There is a usb connector for beastx to tune the software. I have not tried this yet. Maybe its worth. You say its normal on bigger helis - I dont know man. Im not that experienced but when Im watching the hardcore guys on youtube I dont se their tails kick...
    16. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Run 2600 with rail 116 and it
      Won't budge... But the stress on the heli is insane
    17. iggy

      iggy Well-Known Member

      Oct 14, 2014
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      Yeah this could be the answer to that issue. They are running crazy hs. But I dont want to maintenance after 5 flights. Lets see how the 115's do their job..
    18. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Larger tail blades will help.. I found the rail trail blades to hold the best of those I've tried... But try a few and see what you like
    19. Geena

      Geena Well-Known Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      I had a similar issue with my TSA 600E. The tail would kick to the right on hard collective changes, and then quickly go back to zero again. It turned out that the governor gain in the ESC was too high. I turned it down a point at a time until it held.

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