Align 855 / 815 Servo

Discussion in 'General Subjects' started by gonehelimad, Sep 10, 2015.

By gonehelimad on Sep 10, 2015 at 9:08 PM
  1. gonehelimad

    gonehelimad Active Member

    Feb 28, 2015
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    During my 600L build i did some rather intensive bench testing of my servos and during this found that out of the box the 855 was making chattering noises around mid range. Suspected gear issues.

    I also noted that the cyclic servos sounded very different when aileron or elevator inputs where commanded when compared to just pitch inputs.

    Both of the issues above were evident when servos were connected to gpro and futaba receiver as well as when directly connected to receiver also (no gpro).

    Here are some videos from my testing. (turn volume up to hear servo noise issues)

    I sent them all servos back along with the gpro for align to test as part of an RMA through wattsuprc who were very kind prompt and helpful. The parts were then shipped to align via EMS mail (express). I sent the videos to align of my tests also.

    approx 2 weeks after sending all back from my end, watttsuprc advise that align have installed my gpro and servos on the same heli and advised everything is working correctly along with a video (see below link).

    What concerns me is the way they tested things (Tail servo)
    The tail servo i am almost certain has gear issues but their testing was with full fast stick throws without bothering to use small / slow control inputs ???? as per my tests / video recordings. Naturally the gear issue is concealed and not evident.

    I wrote back tonight asking them to test the tail servo more thoroughly around mid stick very slowly the way that i had and also to comment on my observations regarding noise of cyclics particularly the elevator servo.

    Very concerned with their testing approach. Why would you test the servos on the heli, wouldnt you test on bench, use slight force against horn etc. Also given they have viewed my video, you would e xpect them to try to replicate the issue which doesnt appear to be the case?

    Really dont understand their process for testing?

    Really worry about how this might end>
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
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Discussion in 'General Subjects' started by gonehelimad, Sep 10, 2015.

    1. iggy

      iggy Well-Known Member

      Oct 14, 2014
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      That looks very strange. 10-20% of that servos seem to be ready for recycling. Thats bad for Align.

      Everybody that has this problem should shoot them some mails. Not to work against them. Just to show them what shiz they are shipping out at the moment.

      So they will send you back your servos without repairing something???
    2. gonehelimad

      gonehelimad Active Member

      Feb 28, 2015
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      Well ive sent my response tonight. Im hoping they redo the testing. Im happy to be corrected on the cyclic servos as ive heard from @Mickstef that he noticed the same thin with noise on his 550 between pitch and elevator inputs. (Also that the noise isnt there on different gyros).

      But the tail servo is definitely sus. Im hoping they pick this up and fix.

      Will know more tomorrow i suspect.
      Last edited: Sep 10, 2015
    3. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      They sound horrible....I wouldn't fly them either

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