Question? How Come No One Flies A Gartt Or Hk Assault 700

Discussion in 'HobyKing' started by HungryHungryHippos, May 6, 2015.

By HungryHungryHippos on May 6, 2015 at 9:30 AM
  1. HungryHungryHippos

    HungryHungryHippos Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    How come I have not seen one Gartt 700 or HK Assault 700 where I am?

    I live in Perth Western Australia. Not once, have I seen a HK Assault 700 or Gartt. Why?

    They cost a fraction of the price of the major brands. Yet, no one seems to have one.

    I have visited various flying fields where I am.

    Like a plague of locusts, Hirobo and Mikado have infested Perth (this is a good thing).

    Then theres SAB goblin, theres plenty of these guys around.

    Recently, Agile 7.2's and 5.5's have been sprouting up.

    Miniture Aircraft, despite going bust (however recently bought by a nice german), people have still being flying them at my field, yes thats right, people are flying an out of production gone out of business helicopter.

    Then there is the occasional JR NEX vibe 50 ( I drooled when I saw this one), a TSA, Align etc etc.

    But no DFC Assault 700, yet the HobbyKing warehouse stock them at dirt cheap prices.

    So why?

    I have seen people spend ridiculous amounts on some of their setups, some of the Hirobo F3C machines would easily go over $5000 and they prefer to do that.



Discussion in 'HobyKing' started by HungryHungryHippos, May 6, 2015.

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    1. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Yesterday my Frankenstein Gartt/Align 800 reached speed 197km/h.

      I am flying it for over a year without crash (and maintenance).

      Can I trust it? Or maybe I have to make it fly 300km/h first? :)

      "Haters will hate hate hate"

      I started this project because of such haters. Check this post and date:

      Check what others have written in this thread. Were are they now with their judgements and opinions?

      I hate when somebody judges a heli which he did not see, touch, build, fly.

      I am guilty too. I like to disassemble Goblin myth. I will never get one. I simply do not like it due to: MAP scandal, medicore quality, viral marketing, dissapearing threads describing issues and owners attitude.

      I was called many bad names.

      You judge me. That is OK. I want others to make informed decisions.

      Benji was the only one who supported me for a long time. We both had tons of fun with this project. His 800 was pushed much harder than mine. He put MX 850 motor in it. It did not break. It did not have boomstrike like many Goblins with 700mm blades. It was 5 times cheaper than Goblin 700 kit!

      Does his Assault 800 look sexy?:

      Does mine?

      "I wont bother with this thread anymore...."

      This discussion about intelectual property was closed:

      Do we want to start new one?
      Last edited: May 8, 2015
    2. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      I can't afford to go out and drop $600 on an Align or SAB kit, so when I finally get to buy a kit- Its most likely gonna be a clone. Am I going to highly scrutinize it during the build? Yes. Am I going to substitute a few critical moving parts with genuine original brand name parts? Yes. Given those two questions asked and answered, will I regret it? Probably not.
    3. Fredo

      Fredo Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      Untrinque clearly you are against high priced commodity’s if alternate quality items are available at a fraction of the price. In many ways I feel you are defending a product such as Garrt by rubbishing other products made by alternate manufactures. This is not the way to promote any product by simply finding fault and critter-sizing others. It should and always be by explaining what you favourite product can do better than it’s opponent! Here in AU the RC heli scene is very small and we have ax-cess to all world -wide rc heli products. A good product doesn’t ever need to be promoted as the modellers here will sort out the good from the bad. At the moment Sab are making a tremendous impact in model helicopters world- wide and especially here as they almost have every size catered for and what most important they work! Whether or not one joins the growing trend and purchases a Goblin because they are for the time being so popular it’s just a matter of time when something new or different takes hold. I mean it will be very boring if everyone flew only Sab. At present I feel that there are many more good manufactures of Rc Helicopters and components than bad, but the clone manufactures need to wake up to themselves as sub-standard products will be scrutinized by Joe blow and he will give them the free advertising they deserve over the internet and forums. People will only ever pay what they can afford to maintain their hobby regardless. When I used to be a mechanic many of my customers said that there car was to only get from A to B and I replied to them “yes but SAFELY” I know in Poland locals are weary to take their car for a service as the shops steal parts from one to repair another depending on who has more money. Sorry to stray of the subject. So why is the Assult not popular in Au? Well it’s definitely not the price, we Aussies just don’t want to take the chance on another HK product that has the potential to kill us. The best advertising by far is by word of mouth. To those who experiment and retro fit known good parts to faulty products and get them to work reliably .Good luck as I watch myth busters and” you can POLISH a TURD!”
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    4. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Was I rude?

      Those for whom can afford price does not metter. They like to show off and cry loud about "Ferraris".

      Those who save money are more silent. They do the math, count twice.

      I shout that Goblin is Ferrari made in Vietnam, highly overpriced and has quality and safety issues.

      Just watch few Goblin crashes from 2014 Heli Masters in Venlo...

      Last edited: May 8, 2015
    5. Fredo

      Fredo Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      You shouldn't take offence to my post. In AU its OK to " Agree to Disagree!"
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    6. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      I did not take offence. I asked if I was rude.

      Is your: ” you can POLISH a TURD!” offensive?

      My friend watching Kyle Stacy crash told me: "It looks like he was extremely pissed off. Fortuatelly he did not hit Bert with this tail boom. ;) It looks like he wanted to demolish Bert for promoting this POS".
      Last edited: May 8, 2015
    7. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      If you want to fly and defend a pig's ear, go for it, but don't bag people who want to fly a silk purse. That's not how we do things here. Every heli crashes, especially those flying at the edge of the possible. People will start to not engage if you just bag the frack out of everyone's heli (we all fly the brand names, I haven't seen what you fly, ever) . I enjoy your posts, I do, but it is starting to sound like a scratched recording.
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    8. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      For some reason Dunkan Bossion won HeliMasters by NOT crashing Gaui X7.
    9. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      But he didn't win it on a pig's ear now did he...
    10. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Dunkan Bossion won the Champion in ROTOR live 2015 using Chinese "big brand" King-Kong ESC.

      Check annoucement at:

      He is not afraid to test Chinese pig's ear.

      Last edited: May 8, 2015
    11. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      I am really interested to see a Gartt, I may even take the challenge and build one, but please, please don't just bag other brands becuase they are not Garrt, or people disagree with you. We all have spent a lot of money on helis, and as such feel we have ownership of the brand, so bagging a heli brand comes across as a personal attack. For example If I say " I bought a new Goblin", I don't need anyone to say "they are shiz and overpriced, made in Vietnam etc etc". Now we all know that is your opinion, and that's fine. If someone bags the the Gartt, sure, go for it. But please back it off a a bit. For Heligods sake.
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    12. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Pace Simon. I got your point. I do agree.

      My friends Benji and Danielus fly Goblins. Smakmeharder also. I respected all of them. We have lot of fun together.

      Unfortunatelly many Goblin owners for some reason hate me, are very rude and not open minded as my friends. I wonder why? :)
      Last edited: May 8, 2015
    13. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      BY the way, I am sorry for calling the Gartt a Pig's ear, I do apologize for that (as aI said, I have never seen one IRL), you see just negative comments make people react. So again, sorry, no offense intended and I hope to fly with you one day.
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    14. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      I love everything that flies. Full stop. Ignorant fokers side with a brand
    15. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Simon I do appreciate. Thank you.

      Look I am not particularly good pilot but I share passion with my friends. I made some oponents.

      It was part of fun to defend Gartt product and prove I was right in December 2013 to get one. Now I have four of them and Smakmeharder called me "Assault King". That is funny but cute. ;)

      I had bergain offer on G700. I refused. Am I stubborn? I do not regret.
    16. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      "I had bergain offer on G700. I refused. Am I stubborn? I do not regret."

      You are probably as stubborn as someone who won't fly Garrt
    17. Adolf

      Adolf Active Member

      Mar 11, 2014
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      Garrt , Fart.. Both end up turning to shi t if you push to hard !!
    18. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      This flight is MENTAL!!! I wonder what HS the heli is? It sounds like 2600! Love the crash too! I think the heli just wanted to die!

    19. HungryHungryHippos

      HungryHungryHippos Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Here is my attitude, I appreciate other helicopters that I dont own or fly.

      SAB goblin, when I first saw it, I literally thought, that thing looks like some evil goblin or insect. Being more sports / F3C orientated I theoretically have no interest in a SAB. But when I saw the guts of it under the canopy, I actually thought it was made by Germans although it isn't, thats how impressed I was by it. Thanks to the Urukay, SAB now cater for the F3C folks.

      SAB Made in Vietnam, well I like their spring rolls and lemon grass fish. Oh and both Samsung and LG get their products made their, so, Vietnam can't be that bad.

      Also, the people have spoken, I have seen a lot of people fly goblins, which means one thing, people keep buying them and flying them.

      I fly Hirobo and not JR, do I pick faults in JR? nopes, I would love a JR helicopter. But my fleet is full already.

      People at my field have been flying Agiles 7.2 and 5.5's, they aren't Japanese or German, do I pick faults in them, no I appreciate how strong and solid the 7.2 is, especially seeing one come out of a crash with only bent link rods.

      MA is obsolete (but might return) yet, when people fly them at my field, I appreciate the high grade of aluminium they use.

      Same goes for Kasama, a few people at my field had these, and the only bad thing I had to say about them, they where out of my league for my skill level.

      A better way to sell a Gartt is something like
      " a cost effective alternative for an experienced builder that knows which parts to replace would be .. blah blah blah .. sure you might not get the refinement of some well known brands, but you can still have a fun flying it."
    20. Geena

      Geena Well-Known Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      I`m glad to see that I`m not the only one who feels this way.
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