Question? How Come No One Flies A Gartt Or Hk Assault 700

Discussion in 'HobyKing' started by HungryHungryHippos, May 6, 2015.

By HungryHungryHippos on May 6, 2015 at 9:30 AM
  1. HungryHungryHippos

    HungryHungryHippos Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    How come I have not seen one Gartt 700 or HK Assault 700 where I am?

    I live in Perth Western Australia. Not once, have I seen a HK Assault 700 or Gartt. Why?

    They cost a fraction of the price of the major brands. Yet, no one seems to have one.

    I have visited various flying fields where I am.

    Like a plague of locusts, Hirobo and Mikado have infested Perth (this is a good thing).

    Then theres SAB goblin, theres plenty of these guys around.

    Recently, Agile 7.2's and 5.5's have been sprouting up.

    Miniture Aircraft, despite going bust (however recently bought by a nice german), people have still being flying them at my field, yes thats right, people are flying an out of production gone out of business helicopter.

    Then there is the occasional JR NEX vibe 50 ( I drooled when I saw this one), a TSA, Align etc etc.

    But no DFC Assault 700, yet the HobbyKing warehouse stock them at dirt cheap prices.

    So why?

    I have seen people spend ridiculous amounts on some of their setups, some of the Hirobo F3C machines would easily go over $5000 and they prefer to do that.



Discussion in 'HobyKing' started by HungryHungryHippos, May 6, 2015.

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    1. Busher

      Busher Member

      Dec 8, 2014
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      I'm building one at the mo, but I can't get it finished due to other projects around the house.
      Whilst I haven't flown it yet I am not at all worried about the quality or the build. I'm going all stock and with Hk servos to give them a try as well.
      The quality of the parts on the heli is better than most give credit for. There are areas that could be improved, as I had a problem with the tail slider but with help from Utrinque I have it functioning and it will fine for my flying.
      With anything new say, a servo, if I've not got any knowledge of the brand I do net research then buy one, that goes on a tester for 24 hrs, if it survives that then I feel that the design of it has every chance of doing its job.
      It's all about what makes you comfortable or whether you like to tinker with the model, for me it's both I like to strip and rebuild clones and see if I can improve them by making or substituting parts. I get a good few months evenings in my shed building and playing for what turns out to be little more than a decent night out with the wife. I consider that part very good entertainment for the outlay.
      Every clone heli i have bought has flown succesfully and given me a sense of satisfaction that I put something in there that works, be it time or parts.
      When I buy a mainstream kit that is not always the case. I suppose it's because I expect them to work first time everytime, and IMO they don't always.

      The term pigs ear, silk purse, etc are only relative, and not really the way forward to describe helicopters that are crafted by individuals who love the sport.
    2. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      I have already apologized for that comment, I know I over stepped the mark - don't propagate errors. enough said about that
    3. Busher

      Busher Member

      Dec 8, 2014
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      Wasn't having a go, just describing how I felt on the subject sorry if I touched a nerve, but re reading I can see how you may have taken it that way.

      Sometimes it's difficult making a comment without upsetting people with text, however if we were discussing this in a pub, and mood and comment inflections could be judged the same words could be taken in a completely different way.

      I'm currently waiting for a break in the weather, I've got a new quad to try out. After all isn't flying models what it's all about

      Have fun and good luck
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    4. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      I like the way this guy thinks! :cool:
    5. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Come on. I built 800 in one evening. ;)
    6. Busher

      Busher Member

      Dec 8, 2014
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      Sorry I know I'm letting the side down but, I'm trying to renovate an old garage to give me some modelling space, and get a machine tool or 2 in place. All has to be levelled, walls covered with wood and solid benches to build.
      As I have never done this type of work before it's taking too long.
      As for the heli, by the time I finished in the garage, I can't be arsed as I'm usually too tired. I'm getting too old and things are now taking longer. Anyway id feel robbed of the pleasure of building if I build it too quickly:)
    7. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Got you my friend! I was just kidding. ;) No need to hurry.

      Do you test servos under load? 24h with no load proves nothing I am affraid. To much load can melt them (literally).

      Sure Assault can be built in one evening. It comes together much faster than any 450. Gyro and radio programming can take some time.

      In general we make mistakes more often if we are in a hurry. Take your time.
    8. Busher

      Busher Member

      Dec 8, 2014
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      The servos are usually left running with no load to prove the electronics and if you set the speed right you can get a good idea of reliability, some of the cheaper ones get very hot and breakdown in test, most of the ones that pass have given good service afterwards.
      You now have me thinking of building a rig to apply load and then possibly shorten the test to 4 hrs for 50% load. I'm thinking of driving a twin cylinder piston arrangement to provide a constant load in both directions, with variable load for different servo loads. Or maybe a single cylinder in oil with an oil bypass valve. At this rate the heli will never get finished lol
      Garage first I guess, then modelling projects
    9. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Just remember that servos have cooling from rotor. HV servos are also hungry for currents 20A SBEC is consudered minimum.
    10. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      Maybe try loading the servo with moderately heavy springs on both sides of neutral to simulate a load for both positive and negative collective conditions. Adjust spring tension by how far they are stretched and anchored. ..... just a thought.
    11. Beaver

      Beaver Well-Known Member

      Oct 22, 2014
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      By the way... Thanks. The previous discussions now have me looking at a HK Assault 450 dfc bnf combo. Unfortunately, it comes fully assembled and is belt-drive tail.... two things I would rather avoid. I would have to spend hours scrutinizing everything before attempting to fly it.
    12. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Geena I got your point. I suppose you subscribe to "scratch recording" idea.

      I have the same filling seeing endless threads about Goblins.

      There is a man at our field. Experienced pilot of RC planks. Owner of 25kg Pitss with 30hp internal combustion engine.

      Now he wants to learn to fly helis.

      He has tons of cash, big BMW and he chosen Goblin 380 for the first heli.

      I asked him to help me to record video of Gartt 800 because Smakmeharder wanted to see how I fly it. My last video was already one year old. It was very wind day, bad light, cloudy.

      He came and told me "I see you have really professional equipment" looking at my 700 and 800 which are huge comparing to his 380.

      My reply was: "but look your G380 is twice more expensive than my 800".

      It is real story. He already crashed 380 once.

      He recorded my flight:

      You know what is funny? His G380 has Turnigy 306 servos all around on cyclics and Ikon FBL.

      I will keep in secret what was my thoughts. I am sure you can gues them. I was not laughing at him. I was angry he was not informed well. I blame forums.
      Last edited: May 10, 2015
    13. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      We all like endless threads telling everyone how good a helicopter or brand is, just not endless threads telling everyone that their heli is over-priced shiz, and you could get the same thing for $37.50 instead of 3,000. I have money, I'll pay for it and I'll love it. We all like what we like.
    14. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Actually I decided to stretch Assault 700 to 800 even before I received the kit BECAUSE it was called bad names by many. Check this thread:

      So it is OK to call Assault bad names and pointing out Goblin price is rediculous is offensive?

      Double standard?


      Maybe @Adolf should rethink his statement:
      Did he ever fly 700 or 800? I do not think so...

      For me it is clear this thread was created to discredit Assault. So who is aggresive?
      Last edited: May 10, 2015
    15. HeliGods

      HeliGods Mark - Administrator Staff Member

      Mar 2, 2014
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      Turning quickly into a bashing thread.. I believe everyone has had there fair say.. so time to pull the zipper on this one for the benefit and protection of everyone before it gets too far out of hand.
      Last edited: May 10, 2015
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