Vendor Notice - ZenRC Sab Black Thunder "t"

Discussion in 'ZenRC' started by ZEN RC, Mar 7, 2017.

By ZEN RC on Mar 7, 2017 at 9:07 AM
  1. ZEN RC

    ZEN RC Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2014
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    002 t-line-black-thunder-rotorlive-2017.jpg

    So these bad boys were announced by SAB in late Feb as due for release 28th March.
    I've had quite a bit more interest in the new "T" series than I had anticipated and have already sold out of my initial pre-order from SAB.

    They are available with either 690mm or 710mm "T" blades straight from the box. If you would like to pre-order a kit, please let me (or Mike Wilkinson) know as soon as possible otherwise we could miss the boat with the first shipment for any additional kits, meaning there could be a delay for the next batch. If I'm not mistaken, Mad4Heli might have one kit left from his pre-order, but I'm tipping that will disappear fairly quickly too.

    I found this advertisement from World of Heli which has a few weights calculated. I have no idea which motors and ESC's they are basing their calculations on, but it does give us a fair idea of how what you might expect from a fully loaded machine.

    001 t-line-black-thunder-rotorlive-2017.jpg


Discussion in 'ZenRC' started by ZEN RC, Mar 7, 2017.

    1. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Noice!!!! Goblin are dropping the weights which meas a much more economical machine. (less weight means less drain on packs for same movement). Also smakability is more economical as well. GREAT colors... Black - Red... my fav....

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