Build Info Zmr 250

Discussion in 'Other Brands' started by Manyc, May 27, 2015.

By Manyc on May 27, 2015 at 10:39 AM
  1. Manyc

    Manyc Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2014
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    Ok.. after using a frame that would break everytime I so much as sneezed.. I went with a cheap carbon frame, I picked up from ARK... I am using parts from my old mini quad.. but I also picked up a Power Distribution Board to make things neater..

    Frame : ZMR 250 (
    PDB : Nucleus PDB (
    Motor : T-Motor MN1806 230KV (
    ESC: T-Motor 12A SimonK ESC... (cant seem to find them I would probably use
    FC - Naze32 flashed with CleanFlight (
    Props - Gemfam 5x3

    Ok.. putting together the frame is easy .. just remember to put in the stand-offs and spacers first, else you wont be able to get to them and you will have to pull the base plate off...

    I replaced the middle frame with a PDB, just to make life easier, plus it has lights, filtered power, and wiring for a miniosd and different voltages for camera's and vtx...


    I pre-tinned the connectors. mounted the stand offs, and put most of the frame together



    As I have not spaced out the lower frames.. I mounted the ESC's on the arms.. doesnt protect in a crash, but helps with heat.. I would probably prefer to mount under the frame were possible.. but not an option without spacing it out.. and to be honest.. I couldnt be bothered....


    MAke sure the motors are spinning the correct direction, once you do that, I direct soldered the wires.. makes it neater and lighter...

    ok.. the NAZE.. you will need to solder the pins on.. just do it, and stop whining. with this board I put on the straight pins.. due to the PDB, and I rotated the board 90 deg to the right, so the USB port is easy to access.

    To flash the NAZE.. just get the chrome app called "Clean Flight" open it up and follow the instructions. It will also in the setup have a live view of what the controller is seeing.. make sure it moves the right way before spooling up, else it will tilt... Just remember with turning the board you will need to tell it you have rotated it to the right...

    once thats all done.. hook up the vtx and camera.. put the lid on.. and your good to go..


    I havent had much chance to do a lot of flights.. but I will honestly say, it flies extremely well.. I would highly recommend the NAZE and clean flight... it was fast, stable, and responsive.. tho the yaw rate is a little low.. I need to increase that...

    If anyone is down at MRCHC happy to let people have a look.. I will get some flight video soon...

    If people are interested.. I can try and do a basic clean flight setup and overview.... not that I know much about it...
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Discussion in 'Other Brands' started by Manyc, May 27, 2015.

    1. feral

      feral Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      The Naze on cleanflight is sweet but try some 5x4.5 or 6x3 props
    2. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      yeah plan on going the 5x4.5 down the track.. but I wanted to compare how the cc3d flew vs the zme and naze.. and changing up the props will impact that.. plus, I can get the 5x3 from a local shop.. where the 5x4.5 I have to order and get shipped...
    3. The Dude

      The Dude Well-Known Member

      Mar 4, 2014
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      Awesome Mate, Thanks for the write up, Interesting read...
    4. feral

      feral Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I have a Aerialfreaks mojo 280 with the naze and I struggled to get yaw authority with 5x3 had to go 5x4.5 and its much better.

      Nice write up too @Manyc clean build will definitely be looking at these frames for my next build
    5. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Ahh yeah yaw authority.. Well try upping the rate if that doesn't work I'll go the other props...

      A nice pdb makes a big difference.. This is a third party pdb... It's what first attracted me to the flame wheel.. Ended up going discovery pro.. I do not want to crash that hence the mini quads...

      I might order a set anyway and see.. Thanks for the input @feral
    6. MadBird

      MadBird Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Hey @Manyc how is the ZMR 250 going?

      I've been looking at building a mini q for a bit of bush bashing and come across the ZMR's a while ago, but didn't get any further. Would you recommend one as a bush basher? Is the frame nice and stiff and relatively crash resistant?

      As soon as Angelos releases his multi rotor firmware for the Vortex I'll be keen to get down to business and this could be a nice cheap little platform to play with.
    7. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      havent had a huge amount of time to fly it.. but it flies well.. might want to look at going to 4.5 props, but it hoons.. I think I have a video of a flight.. I will clean up and upload... but I am liking the naze32

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