
Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by Geena, Mar 23, 2015.

By Geena on Mar 23, 2015 at 6:58 AM
  1. Geena

    Geena Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2014
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    I have been having tail issues with the new TSA 600E, since I got it almost a month ago. On hard collective changes, the tail would blowout severely to the right ( nose going left). Nothing I did seemed to cure it, and I was really getting frustrated. I tried changing the gearing, and chased settings in the Bavarian Demon 3X til I was about to go crazy. Well....I finally figured it out today. The problem was in the Castle 120HV.....or should I say....my failure to properly set it up. I didn`t get the initial throttle calibration set correctly, and that was causing the governor to not be able to hold my target head speeds.

    Once I figured that out and got it set right, it flew like a champ. No tail kicks and the governor is hold great. Not to mention it has insane power. I got 8 very enjoyable flights on it today, and I`m heading to the field after work tomorrow to get some more on it. To make the weekend even better, I was able to get in several flights on the nitros at a new club I joined yesterday. I did manage to run the 600N Platinum out of fuel in mid flight too. Because I was enjoying the flight so much, that I was not paying attention to my fuel level. No biggie though. Autoed down and landed it nice and soft. What a fantastic weekend of flying I had. I love this hobby :)
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Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by Geena, Mar 23, 2015.

    1. Stuart

      Stuart Active Member

      May 10, 2014
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    2. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Well done @Geena! Trying to figure out those issues can really cause headaches.... The Governor settings can cause some weird interactions if its not calibrated properly and can lead you to blame all sorts of things like blades, pitch etc.... So whats the new club like? Is the field bigger? More heli pilots?
    3. Geena

      Geena Well-Known Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      Yes...it is definitely a learning curve, and I really like trouble shooting. I knew it was not the helicopter`s or any of the electronic`s fault, but something I had done wrong. So I just had to work through it until I found the issue. Which I did.....FINALLY! LOL.

      The new club is HUGE! Two gigantic fields in one, with the plane guys being on the left half and helicopters on the right. Both fields are the same size, and same quality. So its not like the plane guys took the best site and gave us the leftovers. Though we have our own designated flight areas, we are not segregated. Best of all, the whole "plankers vs helicopters" attitude does not exist there. We interact with each other, laugh, joke and just have fun. Here is a short video I made of the flying area on Saturday afternoon. This is the helicopter area, and the planes are off to the left.

    4. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      HEY @Geena...Thats an awesome field! You must be happy with that one.. Its really open... no noise in the background to loose the heli in. How many helicopter pilots are there? Having an area dedicated to helicopters is a good sign.....
    5. Geena

      Geena Well-Known Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      there are four helicopter pilots right now but I think we may get more to come.
      Yeah, its huge that`s for sure. That landfill is over a half mile away from where I made the video. The only field I have flown at that is larger, is the AMA headquarters where they hold IRCHA. You can really let the helicopter off the chain here.
    6. Stuart

      Stuart Active Member

      May 10, 2014
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      Flying dots in the distance... Awesome... I love fields with room to move and let your hair down so to speak... You'll need to get an 800 size now @Geena
    7. Geena

      Geena Well-Known Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      Definitely not short on flying space here. I`m not sure if TSA will ever put out an 800. But if they do, I`ll most likely get one. :)
    8. Johnnybgoode

      Johnnybgoode Active Member

      Apr 22, 2014
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      That is one hell of a nice flying field! You could fly a real helicopter there!
    9. Geena

      Geena Well-Known Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      No doubt. Its much bigger than it looks in the video. We were all on the way out when I thought about making a video, and I was a bit pressed for time. I`ll do a complete field tour video next time I go back.

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