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Heligods - The International RC Helicopter Forum

Learn to Fly 3d RC Helicopters

I'm thinking a TT E700 night rig !

So i can show the boys down at freestylers how to really drive it in !!!
Tutorial on how to set up throttle curves and the governor in AccuRC.

Taking the sport version of the Synergy and changing it into a 3D monster without using the quick settings for Pro mode.

450 that’s high voltage capable.

[​IMG]Australian Engineer Glen Klimpton designed this 450 sized helicopter to hit the market with a bang and brings larger helicopter technology to a back yard machine. The Chase 360 is designed to run 6s lipo and prototyping up to 12s. High center of gravity allows nimble flight, and 6s+ power is plenty from beginner to pro. The unique drive train would suit any kv motor and head speed wanted. This is possible with the 2 stage system and manages...
So is there a preference for helicopter blade type when flying for speed? I mean this is a specialized area so what brands are best?
Again we see an incident of idiots creating issues re drones in public airspace. This is just going to heighten the authorities stance on regulation of drones even more. When will they learn.
Just wondering how tight are your gimbal sticks? Mine are as loose as possible, I prefer a light action. How tight to you run your gimbal sticks and have you ever experimented with different settings?
Somebody provided me his video material of teh girls united demo slot from saturday :)
We were 8 girls in total and flew in 2 groups (a 4 pilots)
First group: Jenny Brandt, Stefanie Blesa, Raquel Bellot, Iris Mulder
Second group: Rachel Plant, Daniela Frank, Nicole Buslowski, Simone Zunterer

Unfortunately the cameraman was just filmin Raquel in the first group and mainly filmin Nicole in the second. I try to get a chance to record the slot from the livestream also, but its not available at the moment :/ Will try again in the next days

We were quite rockin the place, the audience...
Vendor Special Vp Nitro Fuel
Hey Nitro Peeps.
I have been tasked with a challenge to provide an opportunity for any Nitro pilot to try the new VP fuel systems. I helped this endeavour, we are offering any nitro owner the opportunity to purchase this fuel at an exclusive and never to be repeated offer. (sorry i sounds like a used car add)

Our friendly supplier has sanction an unbelievable low cost of $40 per 1 gallon can and a further discount if you buy a case(6 cans)

If you live in Victoria and want to try and event a bit hesitant, i can offer a sample of this fuel to try.

Let me ensure you that you will not be...

    About Us

    Just like you, Heligods staff are regular everyday fliers. Join our forum and participate in what will become the worlds greatest rc helicopter forum..


    A big thank you to the following people who helped us put together this site:

    Pope Francis

    Deli Lama

    George Bush

    Gene Simmons (aka Crash)