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Heligods - The International RC Helicopter Forum

Learn to Fly 3d RC Helicopters

Check this lot out :)

3Dcup 2014 Round1 John Bossion Flyoff free

3Dcup 2014 Round1 Mirko Cesena Flyoff free

3Dcup 2014 Round1 Luca Pescante flyoff free

3Dcup 2014 Round1 Julien Berard Flyoff free

3Dcup 2014 Round1 Charles Aubert Flyoff free

3Dcup 2014 Round1 Antoine Losito Flyoff free

3Dcup 2014 Round1 Giacomo Sintoni...
Check out the F3N Moves, Each link at the left hand side has videos in it.. Nice list for training new moves.. moves.htm
Was wondering about your brother you mentioned that he is maybe imaginary
if he doesn't turn up to the WSFF on the queens bday weekend. He doesn't look
Something like this does he.......

This my friends is the event not to be missed by any mere mortal. The upcoming queens birthday is as we all know a long weekend so the Idea has come to fruition from TEAM NO - CRASH. That we the heli brethren hold the fun fly of the century Starting at melb heli club bright and early for an Awsome days flying topped off with a BBQ for lunch to keep our brains sharp so CRASH cannot take advantage of brain fatigue. The we relocate to freestylers for the late afternoon/ evening night fly session.. and a bon fire with a sacrificial heli experience like no other. Then we retire to my house with...
Hi Everyone. I believe that with perseverance, dedication and decent RC Equipment, anyone can learn to Piroflip over time. I never said it was easy but anything worthwhile never is. So many different maneuvers are spawned from this awesome trick. Please join me in my journey to teach YOU how to become a 3d artist!

Hi all,

I'm local to the mornington peninsular.. I have been looking at different heli clubs.. thru several forums.

The two main ones i have looked at thus far are Melbourne helicopter club and freestylers. i don't want to join a club that has a lot of well, you know, shiz ? I see in most of the forums there seems to be a lot of that at a club called freestylers or am i just miss reading that .. Form a person point of view in the public, i get the feeling it's not run very well..

While i cant seem to find anything being said about Melbourne helicopter club. Is it still active ?

Keep in...
Sold Servos 4u
All sold thanks ..

Mks ds95i tail servo, mint condition , $50 SOLD

SOLD a- 3x mks ds95 mint condition, no slop, spare gear set and servo horns included
$150 posted

All sold thanks ..


    About Us

    Just like you, Heligods staff are regular everyday fliers. Join our forum and participate in what will become the worlds greatest rc helicopter forum..


    A big thank you to the following people who helped us put together this site:

    Pope Francis

    Deli Lama

    George Bush

    Gene Simmons (aka Crash)