Notice Soko Heli Tools Welcomes New Team Pilot

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by HeliGods, Apr 9, 2014.

By HeliGods on Apr 9, 2014 at 10:42 AM
  1. HeliGods

    HeliGods Mark - Administrator Staff Member

    Mar 2, 2014
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    Here is an awesome announcement from the Soko Heli Tools. Announcing the addition of a new Team Pilot. Congratulations to Michael Shaw and Soko Heli Tools. Continue through to read the announcement from Soko Heli Tools, watch a flight vid of Michael in action with his Compass 7HV, and find a link to get your very own Soko Kit.

    Soko Heli Tools

    Soko Heli Tools is proud to welcome Michael “Mikey” Shaw (Whangarei, NZ) to the team. Never heard of Mikey? You are going to for sure! Mikey started flying RC with planes when he was 11 years old. But once he saw a helicopter 3D flight a few years later he knew what he wanted to do… He trained for months on the sim until he did his first real RC heli flight.

    Now he is at a stage where he just pictures a new manoeuvre in his head – and just does it – without sim… incredible! Mikey is fortunate to be able to practice on a daily basis directly at his home backyard.

    Almost unbelievable but true: He can fly mode 1 and mode 2 and had only one dumb thumb in his life!

    He’s always been in the top 3 in the last competitions here and if he keeps progressing like he does he will get future titles, domestic and international, with a breeze.

    His precise style is a pleasure to watch and fits perfectly to Soko Heli Tools. So watch out for Mikey in future competitions and events!

    7HV setup with the Soko Kit

    Click here to view the embedded video.

    Just set up my 7hv with my new soko kit, and it has made a huge difference. heli flys amazing.

    To find out how to get your very own Soko Kit, click HERE to visit the Soko Heli Tools site.

    Continue reading...


Discussion in 'Industry News' started by HeliGods, Apr 9, 2014.

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