Trex 450 K Bar/v Bar Setup

Discussion in 'Align' started by beenflying, Jun 8, 2014.

By beenflying on Jun 8, 2014 at 10:57 AM
  1. beenflying

    beenflying Member

    May 23, 2014
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    I've just put a yellow K Bar on an Align Trex 450 Sport that I've had for some time. It's been using a ZYX v4, which flew pretty well, but now I'm moving most of my fleet over to the K Bar. The tail servo is a KST DS115MG micro servo, that is quite fast at 6 volts (which I'm using).

    The yellow K Bar uses a digital 3 axis MEMS and a second MPU to emulate the older analog sensors, one of which is now end of life. So the gyro is a bit of an unknown, and this is the first time I've tried it on a 450.

    The heli flew well on the default settings, but the tail wasn't as good as it used to be. Changing the gain just took it from wag to mushy, but it still felt odd, with strange kicks and the odd flutter, especially with puffs of wind.

    The Accel setting had no effect from 55 to 75 and the P gain didn't help. I tried the I gain from 50 to 90, and that didn't help, but when I set it to 40 it was better. I then had to increase the precomp (currently 44, but I'll play with that some more).

    William has offered to show some settings for his 450's that look to fly very well, especially with his excellent flying skills. I know he spends quite a bit of time getting his helis right and he has a lot of experience with the V Bar. This K Bar may however require different settings, due to the different sensor setup.

    If anyone has a good working setup for a 450 then please share it here.

    I've attached my current tail settings, but I'll play some more to see what's best.


    450 Sport Tail 1.jpg
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2014


Discussion in 'Align' started by beenflying, Jun 8, 2014.

    1. jockstrap

      jockstrap Active Member

      Apr 3, 2014
      Likes Received:
      cool - good news...

      I use just cheap "reject shop" double sided tape on my kbars - seems to work fine..
      On a different note - I changed the tail servo arm on my X4 to 18mm (max room available) as my NX4 was 20mm and my X4 was 16mm and also slightly lowered my negative pitch curve 0.5%

      This seems to be working much better now on my X4 - no blowouts today :) However, I can see it's close.. lol
      But flew quite ok today... for me anyway - stock settings, probably won't change anything anymore now..
    2. William

      William Active Member

      May 14, 2014
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      Well I had ordered a bluetooth and added the Vbar editor to my tablet, so yesterday I started to play with many settings to try and "help" the tail out.

      I wanted a little harder stop on piro reversals, and a little less step out on hard collective stops...

      Jury is still out on how much ground I gained... but I am very pleased with the Bluetooth and it's function!

      I also started setting up extra banks on three birds. I have experiment with bank switching a bunch when I first added Pro to a VBar, and I have them fully setup on my original 450Pro, a smack bank, a big air bank, and one that is just for going fast. deep rabbit hole these V/Kbars
    3. beenflying

      beenflying Member

      May 23, 2014
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      That is a long arm for a tail servo on that size heli, but if you NX4 is flying OK with 20mm, then the servo must be up to it, torque wise.
    4. beenflying

      beenflying Member

      May 23, 2014
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      Yes, the bluetooth is great. That's all I use now, even with the laptop. I usually enable the bank switching after I've got the tail how I like it. This has proved to be more of a challenge with the 450.

      I had another go at mine this morning. I managed to get rid of most of the stop bounce by increasing the stop A/B gain and lowering the I gain slightly. I also lowered the precomp, which eliminated some collective stop tail movement. More experimenting tomorrow. I want to see what effect a lower accel has on the 450. One person found accel=35 and P=90 worked well on his 450, with 75% gain.
    5. beenflying

      beenflying Member

      May 23, 2014
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      These are my final settings for the Align 450 Sport. I don't think I could get it to fly any better than this:

      450 Sport Tail 3.jpg
      Gain = 71%

      @William, note the Stop A = 80. This is what I needed to get a sharp CW piro stop/reversal. Note I think stop A and B can be reversed depending on the gyros mounting position.
      Last edited: Jun 15, 2014
    6. beenflying

      beenflying Member

      May 23, 2014
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      After seeing the new Align GPro uses the Microheli mode for the 250 and the 450, I decided to try the Microheli mode on my 450 Sport.

      The result was a heli that flew well on nearly the stock settings at a gain of 60%:

      450 Sport Tail 4.jpg

      Note: When you click the Microheli Mode button the tail gain is also adjust to 75, which is normally too high for a 450 or 250.

      So it looks like a V Bar Microheli is anything 450 or smaller. Off now to set my 450L Pro to the same settings...
      Last edited: Jun 21, 2014
    7. Yak

      Yak Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      Have got one of these to try side mounting on a 250.
      Has anyone tried side mounting it & noticed any differences.
      Whilst a small detail, I actually like the "green glow" when it is active...

      Here is the "manual" to show the various mounting positions.


      Attached Files:

    8. beenflying

      beenflying Member

      May 23, 2014
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      @Yak, I have it side mounted on a 550E. Works really well. No issues I can find when using it this way. Slow flash setting in my case.

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